As believers we understand that the Holy Spirit dwells within us through faith in Christ, but what does it mean for Christ to be
at home within us? As we continue to study Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21, we want to consider what it means that Christ takes up residence within us as His people. We gather this week with joy to worship our worthy King and learn how we can walk in a way that pleases Him.
Strengthened With Power In the Inner Man
Ephesians 3:16
January 24, 2021
Riches and power entice the world, and people of the world are willing to do virtually anything to obtain them. As Christians,
however, we have the ability to see the emptiness and vanity of worldly riches and power because we serve a God who is rich in
divine glory and power. He has promised to strengthen us with His power according to His glorious riches, but how can we receive
that promise? We’ll begin to consider that this Lord’s Day as we return to our study of Ephesians. I look forward to our time
together in God’s Word!
As we begin a new year, one of the most important disciplines we can develop is regular Bible reading. Too often, however,
people who begin reading will find it difficult to sustain as the year progresses. How can we develop a consistent appetite for reading
God’s Word? And when we read it, how can we find our lives transformed by what the Bible says? I am excited to share what God’s Word says about itself as we gather for worship this Sunday.