Sermon: The Nature of God's Judgment (Lamentations 1-2).
How many sermons have you heard on Lamentations? Do you know what this book is about? Many of us have most likely passed over this book to get to the other books of the Bible and haven't done a study on this inspired book. But, like all the other books of the Bible, Lamentations is "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness". As Pastor Robb begins this series on Lamentations, we learn the nature of God's judgment. May we all seek God in fear and trembling.
Sermon: When Christ is Everything (Philippians 1:21-26).
Christ should be the center of all our lives. Yet, when we focus on "getting ahead" or "being on top", we can not possibly be focusing on Christ. Paul's lesson to the church he helped establish in Philippi was written as one of encouragement and a reminder that life on earth for the Christian should be centralized not on the world itself, but bringing Christ to the lives of those who don't know Him. Our mission is to share the purpose of Jesus' coming; His dying and His resurrection. If your eyes have been taken off Christ and you need a refocused mission for Christ, please listen to the morning's sermon by Josh Kellso. Let us all live for Christ.
Sermon: Do Not Fear (Isaiah 43:1-7)
The question to ponder: What would you do for the glory of God; if you had no fear? This may not be a question that we ask ourselves, but it is an important question to think about. What does our fear hinder us from doing for the Lord? Does it stop us from using the spiritual gifts He has given us? Everyone has a fear of some kind and that fear can be slow or stop us from glorifying the Lord. If you wonder how to overcome certain fear, please listen to this sermon by Justin Erickson and may you have peace in the face of your fear.
Sermon: The Need to be Silent Before God.
God has no beginning; His being is not dictated by time or space. Yet, Job and his three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar believe they have the wisdom to understand God's divine plan in Job’s suffering. Job shows us that compared to God’s wisdom, man’s wisdom is nothing but dust. Job and his friends exhaust their case with one another; they are in awe when the LORD, shows up in a storm. As you listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Kevin, hear how the perfect character of God shows up in the creation narrative in the book of Job. We can all learn how to repent and that our wisdom compared to God's is nothing but dust.
Sermon: Understanding Spiritual Gifts Today.
What has God called you to do? How is your gift to be used in the church? We all have a gift that should be used for God's glory and for equipping/strengthening the church. But, many people aren't sure if they have a gift or what gifts are still current for today's churches. We live in a time where people profess to have certain gifts that, some would argue, are not current for today. In this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb, we learn what the Bible teaches about the state of spirituals gifts. Prayerfully as we listen we can which understand spiritual gifts are for today.