The Path to Glory (Luke 24:13-27).
These traveling disciples were blinded to the fact that they were walking and talking to Jesus Christ. They explained to the Crucified King all the devastating news of His own crucifixion. These travelers were almost incredulous to have to explain this report of Jesus' suffering as well as their own. But, Jesus first listened, asked questions, then explained what it all meant. The Teacher was still teaching. As we listen to today's sermon by Pastor Robb, may our hope be found in the fact that our suffering is not to bring us pain, but to bring us to glory.
The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Luke 24:1-12).
The women went to the tomb to prepare the body of Christ. But, when they arrived at His tomb; they were shocked to find Jesus was not there. Jesus had Risen. We should all be amazed that the power of death had no control over our savior. We should be amazed that Jesus prophesied that it would happen. Yet, the women would not remember and they would not be believed. To find out why, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. The truth is worth celebrating: He has risen!
The Burial of Christ (Luke 23:47-56).
The burial of Christ is central to the gospel message; yet, it is probably the least talked about part of the gospel doctrine. We celebrate the birth of Christ. We worship His death of the Cross. We exalt His Resurrection. But, we don't seem to think much of Jesus' burial. At times, we see it as a mere blip or an afterthought in the gospel narrative. However, there is an importance to this part of Jesus' three days. To appreciate the significance of Jesus' burial, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. This is just the beginning of the Messiah's story.
The Death of Christ (Luke 23:44-46)
It is unbelievable that the death of an innocent man would mean so much to those of us who believe in Christ. But, He had to endure not just the beatings, the mocking, and the fraudulent trials; Jesus had to endure death on the cross. There is so much to understand about the death of Jesus Christ and if you ever wondered why did Jesus have to die; here is another gospel-centric sermon by Pastor Robb. The death of Christ truly is the gospel message.
The Crucifixion of Christ, Part 3 (Luke 23:39-43).
Sadly, there are people sitting in churches all over the world today believing they are saved. They may have heard the gospel and they may even believe that Jesus died on the cross. Yet, they have not been truly converted. They may not have had anyone ask them, "what does it mean to be a true convert of Christ?" If we were to be honest with ourselves; some of us have never been asked that question either. But to find out what it means to be a true believer in Jesus Christ, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. We can only rest in God's promises when we have been truly converted to Christ.