Sermon: When Darkness Reigns.
There is simply no traitor in human history as callous as Judas. He was one of Jesus' chosen twelve. He had the honor of close fellowship with the Messiah. He even had the responsibility of being the treasurer for the Apostles. Yet, the thing that makes him the most callous traitor in all of history was the fact that he betrayed Jesus with a kiss. With this sign of ultimate affection, began the darkest period in human history. But, what are the lessons to be learned from this dark period? To learn the answer, listen to this morning sermon by Pastor Robb. For the believer, it is only temporary that darkness reigns.
Sermon: True Worship, Part 3.
What should our corporate worship look like? What is the purpose of coming together and worshipping God? The Bible is clear on why we should come together in worship. We aren't to worship together simply because God commands us; that would be an oversimplification. In this evening sermon, by Pastor Robb, we learn from the written word of God why we should come together as a family of God to worship Him. Let's learn together, the purpose of our worshipping together.
Sermon: Praying for the Father's Will, Part 2.
It is easy to forget we must focus on the Father's will when coming to Him in Prayer. But, we should always be mindful that nothing happens outside of His will. This is a lesson we can learn in this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. Let us learn from Jesus' entreaty.
Sermon: Praying for the Father's Will, Part 1.
While the Lord's Prayer may teach us how we should pray, in Luke 22:39-46, Jesus teaches us why we should pray. It is true that God commands us to pray, but we have so much more to learn from our Savior about the reasons we should spend time in prayer to our heavenly Father. If you ever doubted that you needed to pray or if you need more motivation to pray, please listen to Pastor Robb's teaching on praying for the Father's will.
Sermon: True Worship, Part 1.
There is no such thing as simply worshipping God. Our worship of Him should never be seen as a mundane or ordinary thing. Our worship of God should come from an understanding that He is holy, righteous, love and merciful. God is worthy of all our praise and worship, but do we know what is true worship. Please enjoy this sermon series by Pastor Robb as we discover how we can truly worship God.
Sermon: The Necessity of Prayer.
As we develop and deeper prayer life, we will obtain a peace beyond our human understanding. As we prepare for 2019, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Kevin and let us prepare our hearts to be a people of prayer in the upcoming year.
Sermon: The Christian and the Bible.
There is a hunger that we must have which can only be satisfied with the solid food that is God's written word. But do we spend enough time reading and meditating on the Scriptures? If you need reasons or be reminded why you need to be in the Bible daily, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. After this sermon, we should all be out of excuses.