Sermon: The Spirit of Christmas.
Let's be honest, without Jesus there would be no true joy in the world. So, while the world continues to secularize the 25th of December, we have an awesome reminder by way of Pastor Robb's sermon this morning. Let us all rejoice that the newborn King, did arrive and continues to reign from heaven.
Sermon: Numbered with Transgressors.
We come to the last recorded conversation that Jesus has with His disciples in the upper room. The death of Jesus Christ is on the horizon. But, before He is betrayed, faces His accusers and is hung on the Cross; Jesus prepares all of His followers with fact that the world will hate us. As Pastor Robb continues his sermon series through the Book of Luke; please hear why the world hates the truth of the gospel.
Sermon: The Potency of Jesus' Prayers for His People.
There is nothing more powerful in the fact that Jesus prays for God's redeemed people. As believers, we can lift our request to God with the comfort that Jesus is also interceding for us. There should be a peace that comes with knowing that not only did Jesus die for us, but He continues to show His love by going to the Father on our behalf. To know more about how we can have a humble confidence before God, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: Stand by Me: The Prize of Persevering with Jesus
Jesus’ grace is greater than our sins. This is a profound statement filled with hope, assurance, and promise. This was the message the Savoir was relaying to His disciples, the present ones at the table, and future ones who came to received the bread and the cup. In this morning’s sermon, Pastor Robb teaches how we can live in this hope, assurance, and promise.