Sermon: Who is The Greatest?
We love to make comparisons. We love to compare athletes, actors, and singers? Who is the greatest athlete of all times? Who is the greatest actor of all times? Who is the greatest singer of all times? We love comparing the greatness of our favorite...fill in the blank. But, when it came time for the disciples to ask who is the greatest; they seem to forget they were sitting with The Greatest to ever live; Jesus Christ. Before having another conversation about greatness, please listen to this sermon by Pastor Robb. Jesus Christ is The Greatest to ever live.
Sermon: A Traitor at the Table.
The betrayal of the King was beyond compare. The traitor had eaten with the King, served with the King and shared life with the King. Most shocking was the King knew the betrayal was coming and allowed it to happen. No one else around the King's table knew Judas was the traitor, but Jesus knew. it was decreed and ordained by God to happen, but Judas is not a faultless pawn. The road to salvation had to begin with the traitor at the table, to understand this betrayal, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. This message shows us the hatred of Judas as well as our love for Christ.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 6.
There is more to taking the Lord's Supper than just eating the bread and drink from the cup. There is more to the Lord's Supper than a casual occasion on some Sunday's. Taking the Lord's Supper has a significance that all believers must understand. As Pastor Robb continues his sermon series on Luke, we are still trying to comprehend the Holy ordinance and elements of the Lord's Supper. Please listen as we hear about the significance of Jesus' blood.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 5.
To understand the significance of the Lord's Supper, we need to appreciate this holy ordinance in relation to the New Covenant. There is a glaring weakness that is found in the Old Covenant whereas "All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient couldn't do it for one day". But, the New Covenant is sufficient for our transformation from glory to glory. To better understand the relation of the Lord's Supper to the new covenant, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb.