Sermon: The Coming of the Son of Man.
We may have a difference in our theology of Christ's return. Some of us may be premillennial, some of us postmillennial, and some of us amillennial. But, there is one truth: Jesus will return. Please enjoy this morning's sermon and take joy in hearing about the triumphant return of the King of Kings.
Sermon: The Beginning of the End, Part 5.
The world cannot ignore the judgment of God. Unbelievers don't want to admit it will happen and some believers don't want to think about it happening. But, God's judgment has been forewarned by the King of all Creation. Please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb and learn what Jesus teaches us about escaping God's judgment.
Sermon: The Meaning of Baptism.
There are people today that are confused about the ordinance of baptism. They have never studied their Bibles to see what God has about being baptized. There are some things that baptism is and some things it is not. If you ever wondered what the difference is, please listen to this evening sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: The Beginning of the End, Part 4.
We continue to learn about the need for enduring wars, rumors of wars and natural disasters. We believe that God promised us perfect and stress-free lives, but this is not true. God has a divine plan, even through persecutions. As you listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb, please learn how God wants us to have an enduring faith through the most challenging times.
Sermon: Biblical Church Leadership: Deacons, Part 2.
The deacons play a critical leadership role within the church, as do the deaconesses. Please enjoy this sermon by Pastor Robb and hear how these servants play an important role as church leaders.
Sermon: The Beginning of the End, Part 3.
Those who believe in Christ as Lord and Savior should not be terrified when we hear of wars or when we see disasters; natural or man-made. These things happen because God has a sovereign plan. To hear more about this plan, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: Good Friday 2018.
Although this day may seem dark, we understand that Sunday comes and He has risen. Listen to this Good Friday homily and hear how the cross of Christ has given is a perfect sacrifice for all times.
Sermon: Praising His Great Mercy.
Peter gives us words of encouragement and hope. These words rely on God's mercy and grace that comes from the faith and belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Enjoy this Easter message by Pastor Robb.