Sermon: Crushed, Stricken, and Victorious
Sermon: Why We Need a Crucified and Risen Savior.
Please listen to the sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: The God who Reveals.
Please listen to this sermon by Pastor Glen Thompson
Sermon: The Murder of God's Son.
In most civilizations, murder is frowned upon and dealt with harshly. After an investigation, the murderer or murderers are brought to justice and given a severe penalty; sometimes even the death penalty. Yet, one murder was not investigated but endorsed by the government. As Pastor Robb preaches from Luke, please learn how Jesus tells of His own murder.
Sermon: Biblical Church Leadership: Elders, Part 3.
Pastor Robb continues his sermon series on Church leadership. This evenings sermon he explains the unique qualification of a husband of one wife. This is not what you may think it means. Please enjoy and learn.
Sermon: Who's the Boss.
We again have someone questioning the authority of the King of all Creation. Who is foolish enough to question Jesus this time? For the answer to this question, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. Everyone should understand Jesus is the boss.
Sermon: Biblical Church Leadership: Elders, Part 2.
Pastor Robb continues his sermon series on Biblical Church Leadership. This sermon covers the qualifications of the elder. Please enjoy!!
Sermon: Jesus Cleans House.
Jesus shows anger at those who are denigrating His Father's house. Jesus shows anger as He never has before. What is Jesus really angry about? To get the answer to this question, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. Understand why Jesus turns away those who are interfering with prayer and worship in the Temple.
Sermon: Biblical Church Leadership, Elders (1 Timothy 3:1).
God has set the standard for leadership in His church. We are to follow this leadership model in every facet of our church. To understand this leadership model, please listen to the evening's sermon by Pastor Robb. Everyone is called to serve, but not everyone is called to lead.
Sermon: The Powerful Word of God.
There are few things more important that we can do than pray and read our Bibles. We should all desire to grow closer to God and find time with spend with Him. If you ever wondered what the real power of God's word is, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Kevin. God's has sent us the greatest love letter ever written, we need to read it.