Sermon: The Spirit of Christmas.
Let's be honest, without Jesus there would be no true joy in the world. So, while the world continues to secularize the 25th of December, we have an awesome reminder by way of Pastor Robb's sermon this morning. Let us all rejoice that the newborn King, did arrive and continues to reign from heaven.
Sermon: Numbered with Transgressors.
We come to the last recorded conversation that Jesus has with His disciples in the upper room. The death of Jesus Christ is on the horizon. But, before He is betrayed, faces His accusers and is hung on the Cross; Jesus prepares all of His followers with fact that the world will hate us. As Pastor Robb continues his sermon series through the Book of Luke; please hear why the world hates the truth of the gospel.
Sermon: The Potency of Jesus' Prayers for His People.
There is nothing more powerful in the fact that Jesus prays for God's redeemed people. As believers, we can lift our request to God with the comfort that Jesus is also interceding for us. There should be a peace that comes with knowing that not only did Jesus die for us, but He continues to show His love by going to the Father on our behalf. To know more about how we can have a humble confidence before God, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: Stand by Me: The Prize of Persevering with Jesus
Jesus’ grace is greater than our sins. This is a profound statement filled with hope, assurance, and promise. This was the message the Savoir was relaying to His disciples, the present ones at the table, and future ones who came to received the bread and the cup. In this morning’s sermon, Pastor Robb teaches how we can live in this hope, assurance, and promise.
Sermon: Who is The Greatest?
We love to make comparisons. We love to compare athletes, actors, and singers? Who is the greatest athlete of all times? Who is the greatest actor of all times? Who is the greatest singer of all times? We love comparing the greatness of our favorite...fill in the blank. But, when it came time for the disciples to ask who is the greatest; they seem to forget they were sitting with The Greatest to ever live; Jesus Christ. Before having another conversation about greatness, please listen to this sermon by Pastor Robb. Jesus Christ is The Greatest to ever live.
Sermon: A Traitor at the Table.
The betrayal of the King was beyond compare. The traitor had eaten with the King, served with the King and shared life with the King. Most shocking was the King knew the betrayal was coming and allowed it to happen. No one else around the King's table knew Judas was the traitor, but Jesus knew. it was decreed and ordained by God to happen, but Judas is not a faultless pawn. The road to salvation had to begin with the traitor at the table, to understand this betrayal, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb. This message shows us the hatred of Judas as well as our love for Christ.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 6.
There is more to taking the Lord's Supper than just eating the bread and drink from the cup. There is more to the Lord's Supper than a casual occasion on some Sunday's. Taking the Lord's Supper has a significance that all believers must understand. As Pastor Robb continues his sermon series on Luke, we are still trying to comprehend the Holy ordinance and elements of the Lord's Supper. Please listen as we hear about the significance of Jesus' blood.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 5.
To understand the significance of the Lord's Supper, we need to appreciate this holy ordinance in relation to the New Covenant. There is a glaring weakness that is found in the Old Covenant whereas "All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient couldn't do it for one day". But, the New Covenant is sufficient for our transformation from glory to glory. To better understand the relation of the Lord's Supper to the new covenant, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: The Perseverance of Discipleship (2 Timothy 3:10-17)
As Christians, we are all called to make disciples for Christ. But, how do we prepare ourselves for this task? How do we become better at discipling others? Although this calling to discipleship comes with many challenges; we can have confidence because of the fact that we have been given the training through God's word. We have already been equipped for the work of discipleship. To learn more about this equipping for discipleship, please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Stan Rieger.
Sermon: Working All Things for Good?
The story of Joseph is an awesome reminder that what man plans for evil God can and will use for good. As believers, we can put our trust in this promise found in Romans 8:28; "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." As you listen to this morning's sermon by Miguel Del Toro, please see the character of God as Isaiah did in Isa. 6:1-6; "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory."
Sermon: Heaven-Bent on Pleasing God.
We need to remember that He is eternal God, that He loved us so much that He died for us, that He was resurrected on the third day, that He has prepared resurrection bodies for us, and we await the day that He is going to take us to Himself for all eternity. Please heed the call from this morning's sermon by Ryan Carpenter that there is much to remember in serving God and our service must be Heaven-bent on pleasing God.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 4.
When sharing the gospel with the lost, we most likely expound on the love Christ shows us by hanging on the old rugged cross for our sins. But, do we realize what Christ has done for us when we are sitting before the Lord's Table? Do we consider Christ's sacrifice for the propitiation of our sins before we take the bread and the cup? As you listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Robb, please hear how the bread and the cup represent what Christ has done for us. Let us worship at the Lord's table.
Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 3
The Lord did not delegate anyone to host the Lord's Supper. He is still at the head of the table. It is still His communion and we still receive the bread and cup in remembrance of Him. Today's sermon is important if we are to understand the spiritual view of the Lord's Supper.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 2. We continue our study of the Lord's Supper from Luke 22:19-20, considering the various views of the presence of Christ during the Lord's Supper. Listen to this sermon to build your understanding of this vital part of the church's worship of Christ.
Sermon: Understanding the Lord's Supper, Part 1. We begin our study of the Lord's Supper in Luke 22:19-20 by looking at the significance of this sacrament. Listen to this sermon as we consider three key terms that show us why the Lord's Supper is so important.
Sermon: The Passover's Fulfillment. When Jesus celebrated His last Passover with His apostles, what was its significance? Should we celebrate the Passover today as followers of Christ? Listen to this sermon by Pastor Robb as we discuss these questions and more from Luke 22:14-18.
Sermon: Passover Preparations.
We spent time studying wisdom in Proverbs over the summer. We are now back in the gospel of Luke and turn to the Passover preparation. As we learned about wisdom in Proverbs, we can now learn how and why we should follow Jesus as the perfect example of wisdom. As Pastor Robb returns to his exegesis of Luke, please enjoy how Jesus teaches us about Himself in the Passover preparation.
Sermon: The Pursuit of Wisdom.
Wisdom is not something that is inherited. We are neither born with it or can it be given to us by parents or grandparents. Wisdom is something that we have to attain for ourselves. But to do so, we must take steps to grow in the area of biblical wisdom. Please listen to this morning's sermon by Pastor Rob and learn the steps from Proverbs to pursuit godly wisdom.
Sermon: Wisdom for Walking with God, Part 2.
As Pastor Robb continues his teaching through the book of Proverbs, this morning's sermon gives us wisdom about how we can walk through the challenges of life. we can try to walk in our own failures and frail wisdom or we can walk through life with the wisdom of our heavenly Father. To do this, we need to understand what Proverbs describes are certain aspects of life with God. Please listen to the godly teaching that is central to our walk with God.
Sermon: Wisdom for Walking with God, Part 1.
We can never waste time spending it with God. We can waste time watching tv, playing a video game or even taking a walk. But, we can never spend enough time with God. If you struggle to spend time with God or if you want motivation to spend more time with Him, please listen to the sermon by Pastor Robb.
Sermon: Wisdom for Speech, Part 2.
Does your speech most often help, heal or hurt people? We all say things that we regret. But, some of us do it more often that we should. We don't think about the things we say before we say it. This week's sermon by Pastor Robb gives us godly examples of how we are to speak not through our flesh, but the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Through this teaching, we can understand that our speech ought to always reflect wisdom from God.
Sermon: Wisdom for Speech, Part 1
The most powerful muscle in our bodies is our tongues; yet, it is the muscle that we train the least. If you ever said anything you regret, please listen to the preached word by Pastor Robb and gain understanding on how God wants His redeemed children to speak.
Wisdom for Leaders
This process of learning how to be a godly leader can't come from self-help books, but we must learn in from the very Word of God. In today's sermon from Pastor Robb, we can hear how God wants us to be wise leaders. Leadership is not found in a title; it is found in how wisely we lead.
Sermon: Wisdom for Wealth.
God has given us wisdom on how to how we should manage our money. We should not be wasteful nor should we be greedy. We should not be miserly but we should not give to everyone. Our wealth and our wisdom both come from God, so we should learn from Him how we are to use what He has given us. Please listen to this morning's sermon from Pastor Robb and let the Holy Spirit guide us in using our monetary blessings of God.
Sermon: Wisdom for Work.
Some of us hate to work, some of us work because we have to. But, what does God say to us about work? If you love or hate your job, please listen to this sermon from Pastor Kevin. God gives us the only wisdom we need for work.