Sermon: Authentic Love for the Brethren.
Pastor Robb teaches us this evening from 1 John 3:16-18; our love should flow from Christ.
Sermon: The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward
We are told to save for the future, yet, the world does not see the future as Christ does. As we listen to this week's sermon by Pastor Robb, let us hear how Jesus requires us to be righteous stewards.
Sermon: The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward.
We are used to the world telling us how to save and spend our hard earned money. But, the best source of wisdom on how to use our resources comes from the word of God. Please listen as Pastor Robb teaches us how God wants us to be wise with the things He has given us.
Sermon: Doxology
Hear the Word being boldly proclaimed as Pastor Robb continues his sermon series through the Pastoral Epistle 1 Timothy.
Sermon: The Parable of the Loving Father. Part 4.
The focus of this parable is Jesus Christ. His work on the Cross and the Pharisees animosity of Him. Listen to how Jesus challenges the Pharisees and learn how they respond.
Sermon: Christ Jesus Came To Save Sinners
There are times we miss the point of why Jesus came and where He came from. Tonight's sermon by Pastor Robb gives us clear understanding of Jesus' purpose and plan. He isn't the way to salvation, He is salvation.
The Importance of God's Love.
We all need love, but the most important love we can receive is from our Abba, Father. As we listen to this week's sermon by Jason Moore; let us hear how there is no more important love than that of the Father.