Sermon: Luke 11:5-8 - Pray Shamelessly. The Lord's Prayer gives us the structure for the content of our prayers, but how should we conduct ourselves in prayer? What attitude does God want us to have when we go to Him in prayer? In this week's sermon, we take a look at a memorable parable that teaches us how to pray.
Sermon: Luke 11:4 - How to Pray, Part 5. Every need we have in life can be broken down into three basic categories. In last week's sermon, we looked at the first category of need: God's provision. In this week's sermon, we conclude our look at the Lord's Prayer by looking at the last two categories of need in the final two petitions Jesus taught His disciples to pray. What are these final two needs? And when all is said and done, what is principal point of prayer? Listen to this week's sermon to learn more.
Sermon: Luke 11:3 - How to Pray, Part 4. Our daily bread seems like such a mundane and predictable request, especially for the model prayer. Why did our Lord teach us to pray for our daily bread? What is the significance of this prayer, especially for people who seem to have so much more than simply the daily necessities of life? That's our subject in this week's sermon. Listen to this sermon on Luke 11:3 to see why the Lord wants us to seek Him for our daily bread.
Sermon: What Does the Bible Say about Satan? (Selected Scriptures). While Satan is often depicted in pop culture, general belief among professing Christians about Satan is on the decline. What does the Bible say about this malevolent being? Where did he originate? What does he do in the world? And, most importantly, how can Christians stand against his evil onslaughts? Listen to this sermon to learn what the Bible says about Satan and how it equips you to resist him, firm in your faith.
Sermon: Luke 11:2 - How to Pray, Part 3. Prayer gives rise to more practical questions that any other subject in the scriptures. In this week's sermon, we take a look at some questions people often have about prayer, especially as they begin to follow Jesus' pattern for prayer in The Lord's Prayer. If you have questions about prayer, this sermon will be a practical help to you in growing in your prayer life.